These are the classic textbooks and pocket books that are considered standard and required reading for all levels and purposes. These books are recommended by medical schools and residency program directors for medical students, residents, fellows and attendings in different specialties. Also the most successful board review books from people who passed the exams will be listed.
Physical medicine and rehabilitation
These are the most recommended and best Physical medicine and rehabilitation books for medical students, residents and attendings by surveying many of the US residency program directors and faculty. This list is intended to be a first aid and to guide the medical students, PM&R residents and attendings to the books which they need to get to ace in there rotations and practice.
The list is divided into four categories. The first one is for the pocket books that you can carry at any level of education or practice. The second group is for medical students doing their Physical medicine and rehabilitation rotations, for shelf exams and for those going for interviews, you will be asked which books you have on the shelf so be prepared. The third list is for the PM&R residents and attendings for their daily reading and reference. The fourth group is for the people preparing for the Physical medicine and rehabilitation board exam.
For all other specialties please check the link tabs at the top of this page.
Pocket Books
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Pocketpedia
Oxford American Handbook of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Neuromuscular Quick Pocket Reference
The 3-Minute Musculoskeletal & Peripheral Nerve Exam
Books for Medical Students for PM&R rotations
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Secrets
Books for PM&R Residents and Attendings
Physical medicine and rehabilitation
Essentials of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Physical Rehabilitation
Electromyography and Neuromuscular Disorders: Clinical-Electrophysiologic Correlations
Essentials of Musculoskeletal Care
Pharmacology in Rehabilitation
Books for PM&R Board Exam Review
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board Review
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Q&A Review