
Recommended books in all medical specialties

The best residency and fellowships books blog comes after an intense research and opinion mingling to come up with the textbooks lists for every specialty and subspecialty commonly used and recommended in the top institutions. It was not an easy task contacting hundreds of high tier universities and medical schools to survey their opinions and recommendations.

We know what exactly medical students, residents and their attendings have been using in various combinations of books to study and build up their knowledge. The census showed a fast tapering of recommended best books as the majority of residency and fellowship programs started to realize which books are the best for their teaching pyramid.

We gathered the data from program directors, attendings and residents regarding the best books that people in various specialties are using. We were also given the top references they have in their libraries. Most of them were in a very near agreement on most of the books.

In this blog on the side bars we will be posting the links to the recommended books in different specialties including but not limited to Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Pediatrics, Radiology, Pathology, Surgery, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Psychiatry, PM&R, OB/GYN, Anesthesiology, Urology, Orthopaedic surgery and Emergency Medicine as well as the subspecialties in these domains.

In each of the posts there will be also recommendation on which review books to use to pass the board exams on the first attempt. We will also include, when applicable, books for medical students to help them ace their rotations and match to their favorite specialty.