Psychosomatic Medicine Best Recommended Books

Definition: Psychosomatic Medicine (PM) is that branch of psychiatry that deals with the understanding and advancement of medical science, education, and healthcare for persons with comorbid psychiatric and general medical conditions and is also referred to as Consultation-Liaison (C-L) Psychiatry or Hospital Psychiatry.

Fellows as well as physicians practicing Psychosomatic Medicine  will keep a combination of textbooks in their library to help them with their daily practice as well as board certification exam preparation and review, this is the best recommended reading textbook:

The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Psychosomatic Medicine

Psychosomatic Medicine: A Companion to the American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Psychosomatic Medicine

Massachusetts General Hospital Handbook of General Hospital Psychiatry

Prescriber's Guide: Stahl's Essential Psychopharmacology

Psychosomatic Medicine (Pittsburgh Pocket Psychiatry Series)